Being A Toddler Mum After A C-Section

Recovering from a C-section while also caring for a toddler can be pretty challenging for any parent, never mind when you’re recovering from a c-section. It is a unique situation that requires a delicate balance between the responsibilities of parenting and the physical limitations brought on by the surgery. 

Navigating this journey with a toddler by your side demands practical strategies and a robust support system.

Ten tips for recovery after a c-section with a toddler

1) Stock the freezer for meal-time

Preparing and freezing meals ahead of time can help alleviate the pressure of cooking while you are trying to focus on your recovery. This approach ensures that you'll have nourishing meals ready without the added stress of cooking. 

It's beneficial to schedule batch cooking when you feel more energetic. This ensures you have various convenient and wholesome options at your disposal.

2) Use seated play items

Encourage your toddler to engage in safe and stimulating activities, such as building blocks, drawing, or playing with simple puzzles, which allow you to keep a close eye on them while you rest or work nearby. Investing in open-ended toys like building blocks, art supplies, or pretend play items can foster independent play and creativity in your child, allowing you to take breaks while still being able to interact with and supervise your child's playtime.

3) Get the step stools out

Keep essential items at a level that is easy to reach to avoid bending or lifting heavy objects. For example, you can place everyday items such as dishes and snacks at manageable access heights, which will help reduce strain on your body. 

You can also use step stools or lower shelves to make it easier to reach items.

4) Get the toys in one place

Create an organised space in your home where all toys are centrally located, reducing the need to move around constantly in search of them. Designate a specific play area with easy access to toys, books, and activities, making it convenient for your toddler and minimising the need for constant movement around the house.

5) Schedule playdates

During your recovery, it's important to ensure that your toddler continues to have opportunities for social interaction and entertainment. You can facilitate this by arranging playdates or engaging in activities tailored to your child's interests. 

Consider contacting local playgroups, setting up virtual playdates with other children, or joining outings with other parents to keep your toddler engaged and stimulated. This will allow you to focus on your recovery while knowing that your child is well taken care of.

6) Use childproof gates

Establish supervised boundaries within your home using safety gates or playpens to create safe play areas for your toddler. This way, your child can safely explore and play independently, allowing you to focus on your recovery without constant worry.

7) Ask for help from friends and family

When caring for a toddler after surgery, it's important to lean on your support network. Don't hesitate to ask family members, friends, or neighbours for help with childcare, running errands, or preparing meals. 

By seeking assistance, you can better navigate post-surgery care challenges and ensure that you and your toddler receive the support you need.

8) Enlist bath time help

Assistance during bath time is important to prevent lifting or straining after surgery. Having someone to help you with this task will allow you to adhere to post-surgery restrictions while ensuring your child's bathing needs are fully met.

 It's best to plan bath times for moments when you have extra help available to share the responsibilities and make the process smoother for everyone involved.

9) Pay for some extra help (cleaner etc.)

Consider hiring help for cleaning or other household chores to alleviate stress during recovery. Outsourcing tasks such as cleaning and meal prep can give you more time to focus on your healing process and bond with your children. 

Bringing in a professional cleaning service or getting assistance with meal preparation can significantly lighten your workload and enable you to prioritise self-care and recovery.

10) Make daily self-care non-negotiable

Remember to prioritise self-care by incorporating rest, proper hydration, and gentle movement into your daily routine to support your recovery. Taking care of yourself is essential to effectively caring for your toddler. 

Set aside dedicated daily time for self-care activities, such as engaging in gentle stretches, practising deep breathing exercises, or trying relaxation techniques. These practices will promote healing and contribute to your overall well-being.

How to manage not picking up anything heavy after a C-section

Ensuring you avoid heavy lifting is essential for a smooth C-section recovery. To involve your toddler, encourage independence by allowing them to complete tasks independently and use a stool to reach items. 

It's essential to explain the significance of not being carried to your child. You can teach them to assist by retrieving lightweight items or helping with simple tasks. This will help foster their sense of responsibility and independence. 

Additionally, seek support from friends, family, or paid help when necessary to prioritise your well-being and experience a smooth recovery process. Recovering from a C-section with a toddler requires considerable patience, creativity, and support.

Finding practical solutions to help manage your recovery and your toddler's needs is important. By involving your child in age-appropriate tasks and activities, you can foster independence in your child. 

Seeking assistance when needed, whether from your partner, family, or friends, is instrumental in navigating this challenging but ultimately rewarding phase with care and resilience.

Written by: Midwife Laura
