C-Section Feeding Course Bundle
Your Complete, Midwife-led guide to Infant Feeding as a C-Section Mum
Sponsored by MAM
Sponsored by MAM
• Covers ALL Feeding Options
• Led by Midwife Zoe
• All 3 Feeding Courses - SAVE £10
In these video Courses, Midwife Zoe will help you feel fully prepared for your feeding journey after C-Section birth. She talks you through all feeding options, from breastfeeding to bottle feeding, as well as combination feeding and expressing.
There are some key differences that C-Section mums might notice when it comes to breastfeeding and they are largely brushed past in the generic advice around feeding. Between supporting initial hormones, using comfortable breastfeeding positions to not cause pain on your scar, as well as thinking about expressing before birth, there’s a LOT to know. So we thought we’d package it all into one place for you!
Buy individual Courses (£29.99 each) or SAVE £10 when you buy all 3 Courses as the Bundle (£79)!
Breastfeeding for C-Section Mums Course
Bottle Feeding for C-Section Mums Course
Expressing & Combination Feeding for C-Section Mums Course
The Infant Feeding Bundle can be watched at any point in your feeding journey, whether you are pregnant and prepping for feeding, unsure which choice is best for you, or you are postnatal and are adapting to a new feeding plan.
The Bundle of our 3 C-Section Feeding Courses takes just over 2 hours to watch from start to finish. You can go back to any chapter of the Courses at any time, re-watching as many times as you need.
For sure! Our Infant Feeding Bundle offers all of our feeding courses in one place, but you’ll likely want to get informed about the actual C-Section birth, scar care, and how to recover. Head to our original C-Section Course Bundle here.
You will need access to an internet connection to access all our Courses, as well as a computer or mobile device. You can watch them in your own time and come back to them as many times as you need in your 1 year of access.