Emotional Signs Of Labour Approaching: What To Look For

Congratulations, mama-to-be! As you approach the exciting final stretch of your pregnancy, it’s time to look for the emotional signs that may indicate the onset of labour.

While physical symptoms like contractions and waters breaking are commonly discussed, the emotional aspect of labour is equally significant. In this blog, we'll explore 10 emotional signs of labour, their meaning, and how you can cope with them to embrace this beautiful and transformative experience.

What are the emotional signs of labour?

1. Heightened Excitement

One of the most common emotional signs of approaching labour is excitement. You may find yourself feeling increasingly elated as the anticipation builds. Embrace this positive energy and channel it into mentally and emotionally preparing for the journey ahead.

2. Increased Anxiety

As labour draws near, it is normal to experience anxiety or nervousness. The unknown and the intensity of the upcoming experience can trigger these feelings. Counteract stress by practising relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.

3. Nesting Instinct

The nesting instinct is a remarkable emotional sign that occurs just before labour. You may feel an overwhelming urge to organise and prepare your living space for your baby’s arrival.

Embrace this drive by creating a cosy, welcoming environment to help you feel more at ease during labour.

4. Heightened Emotional Sensitivity:

During labour, hormonal changes can intensify your emotional sensitivity. You may find yourself experiencing mood swings, crying spells, or feeling easily overwhelmed. 

Remember that these emotions are a natural part of the process, and allow yourself to express and process them. Seek support from your partner, friends, or a healthcare professional who can offer guidance and reassurance.

5. Deep Interoception

As you prepare to bring new life into the world, it's common to engage in deep interoception. You may reflect on your journey, fears, and hopes for the future. 

Embrace this time for self-reflection, and consider keeping a journal to capture your thoughts and emotions.

6. Fear of the Unknown

Labour can be an intense and unpredictable experience, which may trigger fear of the unknown. Educate yourself about the stages of labour, pain management techniques, and the support available.

Attend childbirth classes or consult with your healthcare provider to address any concerns and gain confidence in your ability to navigate this transformative process.

7. Increased Bonding

As your body prepares for labour, you may experience a more profound sense of connection and bonding with your baby. This emotional sign is a beautiful reminder of the incredible bond you share.

Take time to cherish these moments through gentle massages, talking to your baby, or practising prenatal yoga.

8. Heightened Intuition

Many expectant mothers report a heightened sense of intuition as labour approaches. Trust your instincts and listen to your body.

This deep connection with your inner self can guide you through the journey of labour and help you make choices aligned with your needs and preferences.

9. Mixed Emotions

As you navigate the physical and emotional challenges, mixed emotions are common during labour. You may feel excitement, fear, joy, and even moments of doubt.

Remember that it's okay to have conflicting emotions. Surround yourself with a supportive birth team who can provide encouragement and reassurance.

10. Empowerment and Triumph

Amidst the intensity of labour, you may experience a profound sense of empowerment and triumph. As you bring new life into the world, you'll witness the strength and resilience within you. 

Embrace this emotional sign, knowing that you are embarking on a transformative journey and have the power to bring forth new life.

What do the signs mean?

The emotional signs of labour are not to be overlooked or dismissed. They provide valuable insights into your body's readiness for the incredible journey of childbirth.

Trust that your body is preparing for the arrival of your little one. 

How do you feel 24 hours before labour?

Pay attention to subtle changes in physical discomfort, energy levels, intuition, and mixed emotions, as they may be indicators that the big moment is approaching. Embrace this transformative experience, lean on your support system, and trust in your body's innate wisdom. 

You're about to embark on an extraordinary journey of bringing new life into the world. Best of luck, mama!

Written By: Midwife Laura