What Does BRAIN Stand For? How To Use It For Your C-Section

In the world of childbirth, using the BRAIN acronym can be a powerful tool for making informed decisions, particularly when it comes to C-Sections. Let's explore what BRAIN stands for and how to apply it to your c-section experience.

What does the BRAIN acronym stand for? 

BRAIN stands for:

B: Benefits

R: Risks

A: Alternatives

I: Intuition

N: Nothing


It's essential to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a medical procedure before making a decision. When it comes to a C-Section, understanding the potential benefits is crucial.

These benefits may include ensuring the safety of both mother and baby, addressing any medical complications promptly, or providing a controlled environment for the birth.


It's important to consider the risks associated with a C-Section, such as infection, blood loss, or a longer recovery time. Understanding these potential risks can help you make an informed decision and have realistic expectations for your birth experience. 

Discussing your concerns or questions with your healthcare provider is always a good idea.


Exploring alternative options to a C-Section, such as Vaginal Birth after Caesarean (VBAC) or different birthing positions, can help make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and values. Discussing these alternatives with your healthcare team to understand the risks and benefits of each option and determine the best course of action for your unique situation is essential. 

Ultimately, the goal is to have a safe and positive birth experience for both the mother and baby.


Trusting our instincts and wisdom is essential to making informed decisions, especially regarding our health and well-being. It's great to have tools like the BRAIN acronym to help us consider all aspects of a situation, but ultimately, our intuition can guide us towards the best course of action for our unique circumstances.


Nothing can sometimes be the best choice. It's important to remember that choosing not to proceed with a recommended intervention is a valid decision.

You should always advocate for yourself and your baby's well-being, even if it means deviating from the original plan.

How to use BRAIN in the hospital

Understanding informed consent for childbirth 

In the world of childbirth, using the BRAIN acronym can be a powerful tool for making informed decisions, particularly when it comes to C-Sections. You should always advocate for yourself and your baby's well-being, even if it means deviating from the original plan.

Using BRAIN when facing any intervention during childbirth allows you to consider a variety of angles before deciding.

Birth Plan 

You can incorporate the BRAIN acronym into your birth plan to communicate your preferences effectively and engage in meaningful discussions with your healthcare team. This can be done by outlining the benefits, risks, and alternatives and considering your intuition and the option of doing nothing. 

Doing so can create a comprehensive birth plan that reflects your values and priorities. It is essential to discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider early on so that your wishes are respected, and you feel empowered and informed throughout the birthing process.

Key takeaways 

The BRAIN acronym can be a handy tool for expecting parents when making informed decisions regarding childbirth, including c-sections. By understanding the benefits, risks, alternatives, intuition, and the option of doing nothing, you can better advocate for a birth experience that aligns with your preferences and values. 

Incorporating the BRAIN framework into your birth plan and utilising it in the hospital setting can help you make choices that prioritise your and your baby’s well-being, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Useful Links: 

Liverpool Women’s: BRAIN https://www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/our-services/maternity/your-antenatal-care/brain/

The Positive Birth Company - 3 Things To Know About the Induction of Labour https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/parenting-blog/three-things-to-know-about-induction-of-labour#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20being%20offered,%2C%20Alternatives%2C%20Intuition%2C%20Nothing. 

Birth Zang: BRAIN Acronym https://birthzang.co.uk/brain-acronym-for-labour-birth-plan/

Written By: Midwife Laura