What Is Caesarean Section Awareness Month?

Caesarean section awareness month aims to promote a greater understanding of the risks and benefits of c-sections so that women and their families can make informed decisions about their childbirth options.

The rising rates of c-sections in recent years have led to concerns about the overuse of the procedure and its impact on maternal and infant health. 

In this article we explore why c-section awareness month is important, the issues surrounding the lack of awareness and useful resources for you to explore. 

Why Is C-Section Awareness Month Important?

It is important to raise awareness about the rising rates of c-section deliveries and their impact on maternal and child health. 

The goal of raising awareness is to educate women and families about the risks and benefits of c-sections and encourage informed decision-making regarding childbirth.

Key Issues Surrounding The Lack Of Awareness

There are several key issues surrounding the lack of awareness of c-sections, which the month aims to promote include:

Overuse of the procedure

In some countries, the rate of c-sections is much higher than what is recommended by the World Health Organisation. This may be due to a lack of alternative safe methods of birthing.

Limited access to care

In some parts of the world, access to quality maternal and child healthcare is limited, which can increase the risks associated with c-sections. In addition, when healthcare providers do not have access to the necessary resources and equipment, they may be more likely to perform c-sections even when they are not medically necessary.

Lack of education

Many women and families are unaware of c-sections' potential risks and benefits. They may not understand the various options available for childbirth. This lack of education can make it difficult for women to make informed decisions about their care during pregnancy and childbirth.

Stigma and misinformation

A stigma is often attached to c-sections, leading to misinformation and myths about the procedure. For example, some people believe that c-sections are "unnatural" or that they are only performed in emergencies when they can be a safe and effective option for many women.

Long-term health effects

While c-sections can be life-saving in certain situations, they also carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and longer recovery times compared to vaginal delivery. Additionally, research indicates that c-sections can increase the risk of specific health issues for both mother and baby.

These issues highlight the importance of raising awareness about c-sections and promoting informed decision-making regarding childbirth.

By providing education and resources to women and families and supporting healthcare providers in delivering high-quality, evidence-based care, we can help ensure that more women have access to safe, effective, and respectful care during pregnancy and childbirth.

When Is Caesarean Awareness Month?

April is Caesarean section awareness month with a quarter of all births in the UK performed by caesarean section. 

Future dates for Caesarean Section Awareness Month:

  • 2024 April 1 Monday

  • 2025 April 1 Tuesday

  • 2026 April 1 Wednesday

A Brief Look at the History of International Caesarean Awareness Month

From the 16th century onwards, childbirth became increasingly medicalised with the advancement of modern science based on intensive interventions on the body and nature. 

This has enabled the development of increasingly safe technology to save mothers and children whose lives may have been previously at risk during birthing.

The most well-known medicalisation was the caesarean section. Caesarean Section Awareness Month is an initiative of the International Caesarean Section Network to educate the public about the realities of childbirth. 

International Caesarean Section Awareness Month originated in the United States in the early 2000s to raise awareness about the rising rates of c-sections and their impact on maternal and child health.

Over the years, various organisations and healthcare providers worldwide have joined to raise awareness about c-sections and promote informed decision-making regarding childbirth, including events such as seminars, workshops, and community outreach initiatives to educate women and their families about the risks and benefits of c-sections and the various options available for childbirth.

Today, International Caesarean Section Awareness Month is an important reminder of the need to balance the medical benefits of c-sections with the potential risks and ensure that women have access to high-quality, evidence-based care during pregnancy and childbirth.

How Can You Help Raise Awareness Of Caesarean Awareness Month? 

There are several ways you can help raise awareness during Caesarean Section Awareness Month:

#1 Spread the word

Share the month’s goal with your friends, family, colleagues, and social media followers. In addition, you can use your social media accounts to post about the month or share posts from organisations and individuals working to raise awareness.

#2 Attend events

Look for events in your community, such as seminars, workshops, or webinars related to Caesarean Section Awareness Month. Attend these events and share what you learn with others.

#3 Share your story 

If you or someone you know has experience with c-sections, consider sharing your story to help others understand the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. In addition, sharing personal experiences can raise awareness and encourage more people to make informed decisions about childbirth.

#4 Support healthcare providers 

Encourage healthcare providers in your community to participate in Caesarean Section Awareness Month events and to provide education and resources to their patients about c-sections and childbirth options.

#5 Advocate for change 

If you think you need to address caesarean issues, you should advocate for change. You may consider reaching out to local representatives and working with organisations that improve maternal and child health. 

By taking these actions, you can help raise awareness of Caesarean Section Awareness Month and promote informed decision-making and high-quality care for women and families during pregnancy and childbirth.

Interesting Facts & Statistics about C-sections

Here are some fun facts and interesting statistics about c-sections:

  • The word "caesarean" comes from the Latin word "caesus," which means "cut."

  • A member of the Roman Royal family was reported to be the first woman to ever undergo a c-section in 715 BC.

  • In many countries today, the rate of c-sections is increasing. In Brazil and China, the c-section rate is over 50% of all births.

  • The World Health Organization recommends that the rate of c-sections should not exceed 10-15% of all births.

  • C-sections are more common among older mothers, mothers with previous c-sections, and mothers giving birth to multiples (twins, triplets, etc.).

  • The most common reason for an emergency c-section is fetal distress, which means the baby is not getting enough oxygen or experiencing other complications.

  • The recovery time for a C-section is typically longer than for a vaginal delivery. It can take several weeks for the incision to heal and for the mother to feel ‘normal’.

  • In rare cases, babies born via c-section may have a higher risk of respiratory problems due to not receiving the natural compression of the birth canal that helps clear liquid from their lungs.

  • The cost of a C-section is generally higher than a vaginal delivery. It can be significantly higher in some countries, such as the United States.

  • C-sections can be life-saving in certain situations, but they also carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and longer recovery times compared to vaginal delivery.

Useful Caesarean Awareness Month Resources

If you're looking for helpful resources during Caesarean Section Awareness Month, we've got you covered! Here are some great places to turn to:

Birthrights UK

Birthrights UK promotes human rights in childbirth, and they've got some beneficial resources related to c-sections. From info on the procedure to tips for recovery, their website is a goldmine for anyone considering a c-section.

The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is an organisation that provides maternal and child health resources, including some helpful stuff on c-sections and alternative birth options.

The National Childbirth Trust

The National Childbirth Trust is a UK-based charity that supports new and expectant parents, and its website has some great resources related to c-sections. 


Tommy's is another UK-based charity that is all about improving the health of mums and babies. Check out their website for info on the risks and benefits of the procedure, as well as tips for a speedy recovery.

International Caesarean Awareness Network (ICAN)

ICAN is a non-profit organisation that provides education and support to women who have had a c-section or are considering the procedure. Their website includes resources such as articles, webinars, and support groups.

Lamaze International

Lamaze International is another non-profit organisation that provides education and support to women and families during pregnancy and childbirth. Their website includes resources on c-sections, alternative options for birthing, and information on pain management during labour.

Your Healthcare Provider

You could also speak to your local healthcare provider for information and local resources related to c-sections. They can answer your questions and provide personalised advice based on your situation.

Written by: Midwife Laura

Steph Bisson