Emergency C-Section Due to Dystocia of Labour - Positive Birth Story

Although unplanned and categorised as an emergency C-Section due to dystocia of labour, Amanda’s birth experience was happy and calm.

After 24 hours with a foley catheter and then nearly 20 hours on Pitocin, intermingled with periods of rest, we found ourselves at yet another morning shift change. My waters had been broken and I had my epidural in.

At the next cervical check, they found my cervix high and quite swollen. I had gone from 5 cm to 4 cm dilated. We discussed our options with the on-call resident. While we had time to ourselves to consider, we quickly did some research about the on-call doctors who would be our OR team. To this day, I cannot believe what an amazing team we had with us that day. We elected to proceed with the C-Section.

That morning at the hospital was strangely quiet and we had all attendings at our birth, along with several residents and a medical student. The timing was perfect. We were able to get into the OR as soon as we decided we were ready to proceed with the C-Section.  

Everything felt so happy and calm despite it being technically categorised as an “emergency” C-Section due to dystocia of labour. My husband was handed a pair of scrubs to put on and he has since told me that he was feeling so incredibly nervous as he went and got changed. The anesthesiologist came in and talked me through how he would use my epidural catheter to get the spinal in place for the operation. He was fabulous! Once we were ready, the anesthesiologist wheeled me down to the OR, with my husband and our nurse walking along with us.

They then directed my husband to sit in a waiting spot until they were ready for him to come into the OR. Having to briefly separate from my husband at that point was the hardest part of the whole experience. My poor husband was left all alone and again has since told me this part was very hard for him. Thankfully, it was very brief.

They lifted me onto the operating table and got me situated. Each of the team members came by and greeted me, we chatted and laughed and everyone was so lovely. My husband joined me and we held hands. Never in my life did I think I could feel such joy and peace while laying on an operating table, but that is exactly what happened. In only a few short minutes, after I felt some minor pushing and pressure on my belly, they dropped the blue drape and we got to watch our son emerge into the world. We immediately began to cry.

A sweet nurse had taken my husband’s phone and was snapping pictures and videos the whole time. I am so grateful to her for this! After we got to “touch” our son through the clear drape, my husband got to cut the umbilical cord and be with him while they worked on finishing up my C-Section.

Once our son was done being checked over, my husband brought him over to me and laid him on my chest while the surgery was completed. The anesthesiologist snapped our very first family photo together. I remember the moment so vividly. It still feels very surreal.

My husband then took our son into the recovery room and I was wheeled in shortly after. We had skin-to-skin and our first feed. It was magical.

Once they confirmed we were well on our way to recovery, we were taken back to our hospital room and given time as a family of 3. I was able to quite quickly get up and move around, with some assistance at first.

We stayed 48 hours in hospital as this is their standard protocol and then we brought our sweet boy home. I was so glad I had purchased a step stool for getting in and out of bed during pregnancy as this was much needed during recovery. I regret trying to get up and moving too quickly and next time I’ll avoid this and allow myself as much rest as possible.

I found that high waisted, loose pants and adult diapers were my best friends for the several weeks that followed. As was eventual desensitisation and myofascial work on my scar.

Our baby boy is now 20 months old and 32 lbs of pure joy. We are so in love.
