Not Originally Desired, But Perfect in Every Way - Positive Birth Story

Despite originally hoping for an unmedicated water birth, Steph had an empowering C-Section birth that was perfect and peaceful in every way. Here she shares how plans changed due to high blood pressure and anxiety about an induction, but how embracing a relaxed and prepared mindset can make the C-Section experience a positive one.

I originally planned to have an unmedicated water birth. At 32 weeks, I ended up having to go to the hospital via ambulance, due high blood pressure, following a general midwife appointment! For someone who suffers with anxiety, I was very scared and anxious at this point. After a stay in hospital, we came home with the new knowledge that an unmedicated water birth wasn't going to happen and the consultant wanted to induce me at 39 weeks.

Since learning about hypnobirthing, I knew being induced wasn't for me. So after my research and the BRAIN technique, we opted for an elective C-Section birth. I was so anxious and felt all the different feelings you can imagine. The morning of the C-Section, I had breakfast, a bubble bath, had my candles burning and listened to calming music all morning, in the car on the way to the hospital and whilst waiting to be called down to theatre, to help keep me calm and relaxed, which really worked!

We walked to the theatre and met the full team, who I can say were absolutely amazing. I could not have asked for a better team of people. While having the spinal put in, the midwife and another lady were holding my hands, reminding me to breathe and reassuring me. I was so nervous about the cannula, but again, the ladies continued to hold my hand and reassured me the whole time. The anaesthetist sprayed my hand and I didn’t feel it being inserted at all! After getting into the theatre room, the team kept talking to me, telling me every step of the way what I would be feeling (which really helped as I knew I was safe). They were making jokes and making me laugh, and the lady was still holding my hand throughout the whole procedure. I felt SO safe.

Within 7 minutes after the procedure started, the anaesthetist told me I would hear a suction, then the next I knew I heard the beautiful cry from our baby girl, with our chosen song - Heartbeat by Scouting for Girls - playing in the background. She was placed onto my thighs for delayed cord clamping. After Dad had cut the cord, baby was wrapped in warm towels and straight to Dad for cuddles, which was my choice.

We spend the rest of the procedure looking and smiling and falling more in love with our baby girl. We then went to recovery and I began breast feeding and had skin-to-skin. I have never felt so amazing in my whole life. The feelings of love and happiness couldn't be any stronger.

My experience of a C-Section birth was honestly the most amazing, calming and beautiful experience of my life. The birth of my baby was perfect in every single way. I said to my partner walking out of hospital 'I wish I could go back to Friday morning to relive that moment'.
