Planned and Peaceful - Positive C-Section Birth Story

Sadie chose to have a c-section to help her feel more prepared for her birth. She is a huge advocate for parents making the choice that they feel is right for them, and the result for this family was a calm and lovely birth.

I elected for a c-section for personal reasons. I wanted the control and more of a plan around my birth. 

The experience itself was completely painless. I felt so calm going into theatre with my husband, and with the team telling me every step of what was going to happen, that I had no nervousness and felt completely lucid and aware, which was important to me when first meeting my baby. 

From the epidural setting in my baby boy was born within 4 minutes, and I was able to have him next to me, held by my husband not long after, and in my arms once I was on my way up to the recovery ward about half an hour after he was born. 

Recovery so far has been on the whole good. At the time of writing this I’m on day 11 and I feel pretty great, apart from some tenderness around my tummy, but I’m taking it easy and making sure I listen to my body.

I’m not going to lie, the first couple of days were rough, and I maybe underestimated how little I would be able to do with my son, which was upsetting, but I was still able to feed and cuddle if my husband placed him on me.

That all seems a distant memory now already though and I am able to pick him up, walk around with him, change his nappy (much to my husband’s delight!) and go on short walks together. 

I never once felt that I was taking the easy way out and I feel no one ever should. Pregnancy is hard, the whole thing is such a toll on a woman and I have a new found respect for any woman who carries and delivers a baby regardless of which way.

I think it’s so important to listen to your own body and intuition when pregnant and make sure you’re taking care of yourself in every way so you can best take care of your baby when they arrive.

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson