Surprisingly Surreal - Positive C-Section Birth Story

Despite hoping for a vaginal water birth, Ellie made the decision to have an elective c-section when she found out her baby was breach. Although she was worried going into theatre, she ended up having a wonderfully positive experience. Here she shares her c-section birth story with us.

Our c-section journey started when at our 36-week Midwife appointment, baby bump was measuring a lot bigger than usual, so my Midwife referred me for a check-up scan the following day.

We went along to our scan and we’re told I had polyhydramnios, which is excess amniotic fluid around baby. She then had a closer look and noticed that baby girl had turned breach.

My first initial thought was panic as the first thing that went through my mind was that it would mean having a C-Section, which I didn’t particularly want to go through. My preferred birth plan was a water birth. I was then referred to an Obstetrician for further evaluation and to find out my options available.
They then said that I had the option of either trying to turn baby, or to have an elective C-Section.

I believe in Mother Nature and everything is put there for a reason.. so why try and turn her when she could become distressed?

Therefore I opted for an elective C-Section. Despite my huge fear at even the thought of walking into theatre, I felt like it was the best way forward.

I knew my c-section date for 2 weeks prior so it was quite daunting seeing the days go by faster and faster. I as always thinking: Have I done everything? Are we ready to bring her home?

I then came across Midwife Vic & c-sectionuk on Instagram. I spent hours on end scrolling through these pages to try and relax.

After 10 minutes of laying on the bed, I had our daughter in my arms. It was the most surreal feeling. I can openly say that I walked into theatre absolutely petrified, but I came out with my daughter in my arms wishing I could do it all again. It was the most incredible experience.

From my Obstetrician, to my Midwife and Anaesthetist, they all made me feel so at ease during the whole process and I couldn’t have wished for a better experience.

The recovery was even so much better than I imagined, as I was told many stories about it being awful. Although everybody is different, I seemed to cope quite well. I was out walking with the pram 11 days post-op (although it did get sore after an hour or so and I got so breathless very quickly!).

We both couldn’t have wished for a better experience.

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson