When Fear Dissolves to Magic - Positive Birth Story

A c-section was the last thing Rebecca wanted, hoping instead for a holistic birth with little intervention. When her birth became an emergency, she was surprisingly calm, and overwhelmingly grateful for her c-section. She shares her birth story in the hope that it will help to break some stigma and fear around having a c-section.

Our birth was the total opposite to what I had planned for, yet it very quickly became the most magical day of my life.

I had planned for a very holistic water birth, with fairy lights, aromatherapy, and minimal pain relief. As we got closer to 42 weeks, I started to worry about the increasing likelihood of an induction. For me, I was keen to avoid a c-section.

On 28th July, I was 24 hours away from being induced when my waters broke at midnight (41+5). I went to the hospital and was checked over. As a first-time mum, I was sent home as it was unlikely that our baby would arrive very soon. I was so happy labour had begun spontaneously, as I believed I was more likely to have the birth I had planned for. I headed home and waited for labour to ramp up.

At 6am (5 hours later) I woke up at home, losing a lot of blood. I did not know what was happening at the time but later discovered I was experiencing a placental abruption. From this point, everything moved very quickly and within minutes my husband had called an ambulance. I was taken to the nearest hospital immediately, not the maternity hospital I was booked at. Upon arriving at the hospital, it was clear we needed to go to theatre ASAP. I was continuing to lose a lot of blood and my baby’s heart rate was beginning to drop.  

I was taken to theatre to have a c-section.

Despite the fact the birth was not going to plan, I was remarkably calm. The medical staff made me feel safe and it was clear that both mine and my baby’s safety was of the highest priority. Given I was previously fearful of a c-section, in the moment it was nothing to be afraid of. Instead, it was a lifesaving procedure that I was extremely grateful to have the option of!

The c-section was incredible. Given the emergency nature of our c-section, I did not have time to gather aromatherapy, lights, music etc… these were all things I previously held up as crucial to a “positive birth”. I didn’t have any of it. However, I view my birth as supremely positive.

Our baby's heart rate stabilised and within 4 minutes he was born, with my husband by my side, under the bright theatre lights. Someone once told me that more medicalised births do not need to rob you of your control and autonomy but instead it is “you and the medics working together”. That is exactly how I felt - I am eternally grateful to the Obstetricians, Midwives, Anaesthetists and Nurses who played a role in birthing my baby abdominally. Everyone just took to their roles, and it was seamless.

I regret wasting so much time of my pregnancy worrying about having a c-section and a medicalised birth. Meeting my baby in theatre was so special. I do not feel like I missed out on the holistic birth I had planned for as it just wasn’t what was needed on the day.

While in recovery, my husband unpacked our fairy lights and put them around the room. We were able to spend the time after birth, in a calm, low lit environment – feeling eternally grateful for the birth of our baby boy.

While this was not the birth I had planned for, it was absolutely incredible. I am now extremely passionate about de-mystifying c-section births. In my experience, I have found there is a lot of fear amongst pregnant women about c-sections, however, my experience has taught me that even in very serious circumstances, c-section births can be just as magical and special as vaginal births are presented to be.

I loved our birth and am so proud to have had a c-section.

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson