Second Elective C-Section - Positive Birth Story

When she found out she was pregnant with her second baby, Dana was keen to have a second C-Section birth after having such a great experience the first time round, and feeling it was safer for her medically. Whilst it wasn’t all plain-sailing, she felt supported and relaxed again, and shares the story of her second overall positive C-Section birth with us (with some amazing photos!!)

I had my son in 2020 via elective C-Section for medical reasons; we knew he may have severe haemophilia which is a bleeding disorder and he was heading towards 10lbs so vaginal delivery without the use of forceps etc. would have been a bit more complicated. His birth was wonderful and relaxed.

This year in February we found out we were pregnant again. This time around it was a girl. I felt that my Obstetrician was pushing me to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section), but I wasn’t happy with the idea. My previous birth had been so “good” that I wanted to do the same and it also felt safer for me as I myself have mild haemophilia and have a higher risk of haemorrhaging than average.

I turned up on the morning of my C-Section feeling all the emotions. I’d never left my almost 3 year old with his grandparents for more than an hour. I was excited but also nervous.

The first Midwife to talk to us thought there may be a delay to my surgery, due to a mix up about my medication dosage. Luckily the on-duty Obstetrician put this right and I was on my way down to surgery at 8.30am with my husband by my side. I had a lovely chat with the most wonderful Midwives who were so sweet and funny that I almost forgot I was about to undergo major abdominal surgery.

We sat outside of the theatre and everyone came over to introduce themselves to me. This was especially nice because it makes walking into a busy room much less daunting! I left my husband and was soon having a few giggles with a nurse who was getting all in a twist with wires she needed to attach to me for monitoring. The anaesthetist did my spinal block and I relaxed back on the bed. I think it was the comfiest I had felt in months after being so uncomfortable lying down whilst pregnant. I was actually super sleepy during the surgery purely because I was so comfy and relaxed!

The anaesthetic made my heart rate and blood pressure drop significantly which made me feel quite poorly but he soon fixed it and before I knew it I was feeling a familiar tug and our baby girl was born.

She cried but not a lot, as it turned out she had a bit of fluid on her lungs. They tried to help her clear it but she was being a bit lazy. They stabilised her and brought her over so I could meet her and give her a kiss, then after advice from a Paediatrician they took her to NICU to help her clear the fluid and she received oxygen.

This was a little strange for me as I was then baby-less and waiting to be stitched back up, but everyone was super informative and the Obstetrician told me he was tidying up my old scar to make it all a lot neater (which he did phenomenally).

I went to recovery for a very short amount of time, as I was doing great and everyone was eager to get me back to the ward so I was able to see my baby. I went to the ward and was able to have some food.

The Midwife suggested video calling my husband so that he could show me our baby and keep me updated from NICU which we did. I got to go to NICU as soon as the feeling was back in my legs and I could transfer to a wheelchair.

That night I was moved to my own room and after a bit of a rough night of hardly sleeping and feeling a little unwell the next morning, I was reunited with our beautiful baby Tahlia Nia, and after three nights in hospital we were able to go home.

She is now 2 months old and doing great, my scar has healed beautifully after a couple of infected haematomas, and is much better looking than it was after my first C-Section.

I’m so glad that I had found c-sectionuk whilst pregnant because I found the birth stories, reels and Q&As super helpful and they made me feel more empowered and proud to be having a second C-Section birth.

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson