Advocating for a C-Section - Positive Birth Story

First-time mum Jess had a very challenging pregnancy due to Pelvic Girdle Pain and due to this, decided a C-Section birth would be the best, most comfortable option for her. Her medical team were sadly not supportive of her decision, so she called upon our founder, Midwife Vic, for some guidance to help her advocate for the birth she wanted. She shares her story with us on how this support resulted in a really positive C-Section birth with her little boy.

I had a VERY rough pregnancy. I had severe Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) and was on crutches from around 22 weeks and housebound. I had major issues with my employer as a result of this.

I had initially wanted to try and have a vaginal birth and was very open to pain relief such as epidurals etc. but the only thing I didn’t want was to push on my back, as I had read you were more prone to tearing in this position and this was something I was petrified of, as a first-time Mum.

My Midwife was not supportive of this and told me that if I had an epidural I would have no choice but to push on my back and that was that. As my pregnancy progressed my PGP escalated to a point where my mental health was completely shot and, after a stint in A&E because of this, I was done and just wanted this baby out!

It didn’t help matters that the registrar on duty at the time completely dismissed my request of an elective C-Section any earlier that 39 weeks and even told me: “If you can’t cope with this pain, how are you going to cope with the pain of a C-Section and a newborn?”

I was heartbroken.

Then entered Midwife Vic.

I booked a private appointment with her online as I was in desperate need of some guidance. She was phenomenal. We spoke about my existing conditions, which include something called Slipping Rib Syndrome, which causes my ribs to move and agitate the intercostal cartilage and nerves and causes immense pain, alongside my rights surrounding advocacy and bodily autonomy. Vic armed me with the knowledge and confidence to go to my consultant and push for the C-Section.

I went in expecting a battle and found myself pleasantly surprised. By the end of appointment I had my C-Section pencilled in for 38 weeks and I left feeling lighter and actually positive for the first time in a long time. At 38+6, my little Theodore entered the world (ironically on St Theodore’s Day) and it was such a pleasant experience as I had read what to expect and even received ongoing support from Vic after my appointment.

The recovery was so much easier than I anticipated and I was home in just over 24 hours and able to walk unaided for the first time in 6 months!

If it hadn’t been for that appointment with Midwife Vic, and her giving me the support I so desperately needed, I would likely have been coerced into an induction and a long, painful labour after an already long and excruciating pregnancy.

Now I have a healthy and happy 7 week old (at the time of writing this) and he has a Mum who can say she had a fantastic birth experience when he entered the world.

So thank you Midwife Vic and everyone at c-sectionuk!

Love Jess, Liam and Baby Theodore x

Have you had a positive C-Section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson